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Management team

Board of Directors

  1. Mr Pradeep Kumar Agarwal Managing Director
  2. Mr Mukesh Kumar Agarwal Whole Time Director
  3. Mrs. Indra Agarwal Non- Executive Director
  4. Mr. Niraj Kumar Harodia Independent Director
  5. Mr. Nirmal Kumar Goyal Independent Director
  6. Mr. Balkrishna Singhania Independent Director


  1. Mr Vinay Kejriwal Chief Financial Officer
  2. Mr. Subrata Dasgupta Chief Executive Officer
  3. Ms. Neha Singh Company Secretary

Composition of Committees

Audit Committee

  1. Mr Balkrishna Singhania Chairman
  2. Mr. Nirmal Kumar Goyal Member
  3. Mr. Niraj Kumar Harodia Member
  4. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Agarwal Member

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

  1. Mr. Balkrishna Singhania Chairman
  2. Mr. Nirmal Kumar Goyal Member
  3. Mr. Niraj Kumar Harodia Member

Stakeholder Relationship Committee

  1. Mr. Nirmal Kumar Goyal Chairman
  2. Mr Mukesh Kumar Agarwal Member
  3. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Agarwal Member
  4. Mrs. Indra Agarwal Member

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

  1. Mr. Nirmal Kumar Goyal Chairman
  2. Mr Mukesh Kumar Agarwal Member
  3. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Agarwal Member


Executive Director
Executive Director
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